Strong commitment to environmental science with funding for new research

The Australian Government has confirmed its long-term commitment to environment and climate research with funding of $102 million over four years for the National Environmental Science Programme. The programme will assist decision-makers to understand, manage and conserve Australia’s environment by funding world-class biodiversity and climate science. The research will ensure decisions about managing Australia’s biodiversity…

Australia to host Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit in Sydney

The Australian Government is delivering on its election commitment to host the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit in Sydney on 12 November 2014. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop made the announcement in New York overnight at the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Summit. The Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit will bring together ministers from countries across the region and leaders…

Payment increase for more than 3.7 million pensioners

I am pleased that more than 3.7 million pensioners across the country have received an increase to their payments from September 20, the second rise this year. Single age pensioners will receive an increase of up to $11.50 a fortnight, while age pensioner couples will receive up to $17.40 extra a fortnight. This means total…

South Australia must stop dumping e-waste and destroying business

The Commonwealth Government has recently been made aware of difficulties faced by some e-waste recycling businesses including disability service providers in South Australia and New South Wales. The scheme was designed by the previous federal Labor government, and states and territories. Having become aware of the issues facing these businesses, including Aspitech in South Australia,…

25th Anniversary Landcare Grants now open

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON BARNABY JOYCE MP, MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE Landcare and other community groups will share in up to $5 million to help restore local environments and enhance the natural resource base with the launch of the 25th Anniversary Landcare Grants 2014-15 as part of the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme. Minister for…

$250,000 in Commonwealth grants open for community groups

I welcome the opening of $250,000 in Commonwealth funded grants for Landcare and community groups in the Port Phillip and Western Port region. The funds are part of the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and are available through the Port Phillip & Westernport Catchment Management Authority’s community grants scheme, which is now open for applications.…

Abbott Government commits $406m for preschool certainty

The Abbott Government will commit $406 million to ensure Australian families can continue to access up to 15 hours of preschool per week in 2015. The Commonwealth Government is offering Victoria an extension of the current national partnership arrangement* for preschool funding for a further 12 months after they expire in December 2014. Many local…

Australia celebrates 25 years of ozone protection on World Ozone Day

Australia’s leadership in protecting the ozone layer continues this year as we mark the 25th anniversary of our ratification of what is widely agreed to be our most successful international environmental agreement.  Australia was one of the early countries to ratify the Montreal Protocol to phase out ozone depleting substances after it was opened for…

Grant assistance for Hastings veterans

The 1066 Hastings Day Club will have better access to technology thanks to a $798 Commonwealth Government grant. The grant will enable the club to purchase a computer and printer that will be used to create regular newsletters among other tasks. 1066 Hastings Day Club received the funding through the Veteran and Community Grant program.…

Green Army calling for first round of participants

The Government is putting out the call for the first round of recruits to join the Green Army. We’re looking for enthusiastic 17-24 year olds to join what will become the largest-ever team of young Australians supporting environmental action across the country. Appointed Service Providers are now seeking expressions of interest from young people who…