Streamlining environmental assessments to help boost Tasmanian economy

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON MATTHEW GROOM, TASMANIAN MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT The Tasmanian and Federal Governments have now created a One-Stop Shop for environmental assessments in Tasmania, with Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt and Tasmanian Environment Minister Matthew Groom signing a new assessment bilateral agreement. Reducing the regulatory burden on business by streamlining the…

A One-Stop Shop for environmental assessments in Victoria

A new assessment bilateral agreement that removes duplication and provides a single process for environmental assessments in Victoria has been signed by the Commonwealth and Victorian governments. Duplication of federal, state or territory and local planning processes adds complexity and cost to environmental approvals across the country. The agreement reduces the regulatory burden on business,…

Supporting action to target Crown-of-Thorns Starfish

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON WARREN ENTSCH MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR LEICHARDT & EWEN JONES MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR HERBERT More marine tourism operators, community organisations and commercial reef users now have the opportunity to take part in the fight against crown-of-thorns starfish infestations on the Great Barrier Reef. A single injection method, which has so far…

Record fall in electricity prices following carbon tax repeal

Scrapping the carbon tax has delivered Australian families and businesses the biggest drop in electricity prices on record. Today the ABS released the Consumer Price Index for the September Quarter 2014 — the first outcome since the Coalition scrapped Labor’s damaging carbon tax. Electricity prices had the largest fall since 1980 (when the CPI electricity…

Renewable Energy Target

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON IAN MACFARLANE MP, MINISTER FOR INDUSTRY The Australian Government is committed to renewable energy and a Renewable Energy Target that represents a real 20 per cent of electricity production in Australia, as was the original bipartisan intent. The Government will begin good faith negotiations with the Labor Party today in…

$1 million boost to help clean up Melbourne’s iconic Yarra River

Melbourne’s much-loved Yarra River will benefit from $1 million over 4 years with Federal Government funding to help improve the health of this important waterway. Providing funding to improve the health of the Yarra was a key Coalition election commitment. And as Melburnians gather today to ‘Love the Yarra’, I am proud to announce that…

ANZAC Centenary grant for Koo Wee Rup

Koo Wee Rup’s Avenue of Honour will be enhanced in time for the Centenary of Anzac commemorations next year thanks to an $11,750 Commonwealth government grant.  “I am delighted to formally present this Anzac Centenary grant to the Koo Wee Rup RSL Sub-branch for the creation of a WWI Honour Wall and installation of plaques…

Senior Labor figure backs Coalition’s One-Stop Shop reform

Former Resources Minister and senior Labor figure, Martin Ferguson, has backed the Coalition’s One-Stop Shop reform and is calling on Labor and the crossbench to give their support. In an article in The Australian today, Mr Ferguson said that the One-Stop Shop reform is a priority for Australia and slammed opposition to the plans to…