Green Army tackling yellow crazy ants in the Wet Tropics

Today I had the pleasure of meeting a group of young Green Army participants working to help the Wet Tropics environment recover from damage caused by the yellow crazy ant. This dedicated group of young Australians is passionate about protecting our precious Wet Tropics against invasive species like yellow crazy ants. Their project will help…

3AW Melbourne Interview With Nick McCallum

E&OE…. Topics: Prime Minister Turnbull, climate change policy, Environment portfolio, federal election, Direct Action NICK MCCALLUM: Mr Hunt thanks for your time. GREG HUNT: And good afternoon Nick. I have to confess that I'm a member of the – well I'm a Richmond supporter and a member of the cheer squad – as it is…

Doorstop Cairns

E&OE…. Topics: Yellow Crazy Ants, Great Barrier Reef Water Quality, Carmichael Mine QUESTION: Minister we're now at the seven week mark since the Carmichael Mine approval was set aside. You indicated that re-approval might take six to eight weeks, so are you still working towards that timeline? GREG HUNT: We're working within that timeframe. Whether…

4CA Cairns Radio Interview With Murray Jones

E&OE…. Topics: Cairns, Great Barrier Reef, UNESCO, Crown of Thorns, runoff MURRAY JONES: Let's- actually I think we're going to Brisbane, we've got Greg Hunt, Greg Hunt Federal Environment Minister on line. Good morning Greg, how are you this morning? GREG HUNT: I'm well, good morning Murray. I apologise for any noise in the background…

Improving water quality in the Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s iconic and precious Great Barrier Reef and the surrounding tropical waters will benefit from 24 innovative research projects conducted by this Government’s Tropical Water Quality Hub. This scientific investment being launched today supports practical policy and programmes to improve the Great Barrier Reef under the Government’s $140 million Reef Trust. Hub scientists will develop…

$39 million for local councils in the Flinders electorate

Local governments in Flinders are set to benefit from $39 million in funding under the Australian Government’s Financial Assistance Grant Program in 2015-16. The Australian Government is providing $2.3 billion to local governments nationwide in 2015-16. This includes $1.1 billion in Financial Assistance Grants already paid to councils to ensure immediate access to untied funding…

Documentary reveals one of Victoria’s best kept secrets

Until now, only a lucky few have been able to experience first-hand the stunning array of diverse and brilliantly coloured marine life which lies beneath Port Phillip Bay. Today, I am delighted to officially launch an illuminating documentary, Melbourne Down Under, a documentary which reveals a southern underwater world which rivals its counterparts to the…

A sixth Clean Air Champion

The Australian Government announced the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ) as its sixth Clean Air Champion at the 22nd International Clean Air and Environment Conference in Melbourne today. Clean Air Champions are a select group of representatives from industry, community and academia which help to raise awareness and knowledge of the…

Sky News Interview with David Speers

E&OE…. Topics: Emissions Reduction Fund, renewable energy, Prime Minister Turnbull, first meeting of new Cabinet DAVID SPEERS: Environment Minister Greg Hunt joins me now. Thanks for your time this afternoon. GREG HUNT: It's a pleasure. DAVID SPEERS: You sat around the Cabinet table under the Abbott Government for the last two years. This was the…