Free whooping cough vaccine for every pregnant woman

The Turnbull Government will provide the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine to every pregnant woman in the country, protecting both baby and mother from this life-threatening disease.  The $39.5 million investment will mean the vaccine is added to the National Immunisation Program, guaranteeing its access, safety and availability for the first time.  Whooping cough is a…

Mental health funding boost to support thousands of Australians

The Turnbull Government will provide $33.8 million to Lifeline to significantly boost their telephone crisis service, helping them support hundreds of thousands of Australians in need. Over 1 million Australians reach out to Lifeline each year and it receives the largest call volume of any crisis support service.  This funding will mean the charity can…

Life-saving medicine listed for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

The Turnbull Government will provide $241 million to list a vital and life-saving medicine which treats Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), cutting the cost to patients by hundreds of thousands of dollars. From 1 June this year we will make Spinraza available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for the treatment of Type 1, Type 2…

$3.9 million investment in multicultural mental health

The Turnbull Government is investing $3.9 million for tailored mental health support for Australians from multicultural backgrounds.  The $3.9 million investment over three years will help to ensure that our mental health system reflects and responds well to Australia’s diverse population and that quality and culturally-responsive care is available to everyone when they need it…

Transcript – APP Conference – Gold Coast

E&OE…                        Topics: Government’s response to the Pharmacy Review; Health Care Homes trial GREG HUNT: And thanks very much to George and to David from the Guild, to Kos and to Trent as our hosts today. I think Shane is here from the Society, and…

Medicare record for Australian patients

The latest Medicare data from July 2017 to March 2018 shows Australian patients have set a new record for the highest GP bulk-billing rate ever achieved for this period – increasing to 85.8 per cent. This is nearly 4 per cent higher than Labor’s 82.0 per cent, which they achieved when they were last in…

Doorstop – Sunshine Coast

E&OE…;                         Topics: Record bulk billing figures; Federal Budget; Thompson Institute GREG HUNT: Thanks very much to Andrew as the Member for Fisher, to Ted, the Member for Fairfax. Both have been champions for the Thompson Institute. So, this institute for mind and neuroscience is…

$500 Grants available for Local Sporting Champions

Federal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP has urged young athletes to apply for a Local Sporting Champions grant to help support their involvement in sport. “The Coalition Government is committed to getting Australian kids more active, more often,” Minister Hunt said. “That’s why I’m encouraging young athletes, coaches and officials from around…

$500 Grants available for Local Sporting Champions

Federal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP has urged young athletes to apply for a Local Sporting Champions grant to help support their involvement in sport. “The Coalition Government is committed to getting Australian kids more active, more often,” Minister Hunt said. “That’s why I’m encouraging young athletes, coaches and officials from around…