Draft National Action Plan for Endometriosis released for consultation

The Turnbull Government has today released the initial draft National Action Plan for Endometriosis and called for further public input. The draft plan was developed with endometriosis patient advocates, researchers and clinicians from around Australia earlier this year. This first draft of the National Action Plan for Endometriosis is now open for public consultation. I…

Interview with Sabra Lane – ABC AM

E&OE…                        Topics: The extension of the National Suicide Prevention Trial with a further $13 million investment; Record mental health funding in the Budget SABRA LANE: Mental health is a big beneficiary of money from the Federal Budget. Millions of dollars are being poured into…

More support for suicide prevention programs

The Turnbull Government is extending a ground-breaking suicide prevention trial by a further year with a $13 million investment to ensure local communities have more time to trial services and report on what works.  The National Suicide Prevention Trial is based in 12 locations across Australia and will now run until 30 June 2020.  These…

Labor offers nothing to support older Australians

Last night Bill Shorten offered nothing to support older Australians.  In comparison this week alone, the Turnbull Government delivered a record $5 billion Budget boost. Funding is growing from $18 billion in 2017-18 to $23 billion in 2021-22 – totalling $86 billion.  Under the Coalition, every year home care packages are up, residential aged care…

Better health outcomes through My Health Record

The My Health Record system is delivering better health outcomes for patients and their treating doctors and specialists.  To inform how My Health Record data can be used and protected for public health and research purposes, the Australian Government has developed a framework in consultation with consumers, clinicians, medical researchers, industry experts, privacy advocates and…

Interview with Steve Price – 2GB

E&OE…                        Topics: Health Budget; Pension Loan Scheme; New hospitals agreement STEVE PRICE: One of the biggest announcements in last night’s budget was money for health. The 2018/19 Budget is really putting the asset on this argument from Labor, the Mediscare argument of the last…

Interview with Leon Byner – 5AA

E&OE…                        Topics: Health Budget; Record Aged Care Package; private health insurance; breast cancer drug Kisqali added to the PBS. LEON BYNER: Let’s talk to the federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt. Greg thanks for being on the program today. GREG HUNT: Good morning, Leon.  LEON…

Interview with Oliver Peterson – 6PR

E&OE…                        Topics: Health Budget; High Court decision OLIVER PETERSON: Good afternoon Minister. GREG HUNT: And good afternoon, Ollie. OLIVER PETERSON: Alright. We will talk health in just a moment. But do you think Bill Shorten has egg on his face after those comments? He…

Guaranteeing essential services – record investment in health

The 2018–19 Budget is guaranteeing the essential health services that Australians rely on, with a $12.4 billion increase in the Health Budget and a $414.5 billion investment in health, aged care and sport.  We will increase: • Medicare funding by $4.8 billion;  • public hospital funding by more than $30 billion;  • investment in new…

Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                          Topics: $241 million for a life-saving medicine for spinal muscular atrophy to be listed on the PBS; $39.5 million for the whooping cough vaccine for pregnant woman; $33.8 million for Lifeline. GREG HUNT: Well, welcome everybody today to ArtVo, which is in…