Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE… Topics: $250 million investment to list four cancer medicines; private heal insurance   GREG HUNT: Well, welcome everybody to the extraordinary Peter MacCallum Centre. This is not just one of Australia’s, but one of the world’s great treatment centres for patients with cancer. We have research here. We have treatment here. We have breakthroughs here.…

Interview with Jon Faine – ABC Radio Melbourne

E&OE… Topics: My Health Record; private health insurance; $5 million for clinical trials and genetic testing for children with high risk brain cancer  JON FAINE: Greg Hunt is the Minister for Health in the Coalition Federal Government, the Malcolm Turnbull-led Coalition Government. Mr Hunt, good morning to you. GREG HUNT: Good morning, Jon. JON FAINE:…

Delivering better healthcare through My Health Record

Almost six million Australians already have a My Health Record with patients benefiting from the secure summary of their key health information, which can help their health professionals deliver better care and may save their life in an emergency. The secure My Health Record has been in operation for over six years and from today…

Making private health insurance simpler and boosting coverage for women

The Turnbull Government is making private health insurance easier to understand and more affordable with the release of a new classification system for every policy. In particular this new system will improve policy coverage for women, including gynaecological services, ovarian and breast cancer treatment and breast reconstruction. From April 1 2019 all of the existing…

$250 million investment in life changing cancer medicines

The Turnbull Government will invest $250 million to make four life-changing cancer medicines available to thousands of Australian patients from August 1. The listing of these new medicines will save patients thousands of dollars, in some cases the saving for each patient will be over $130,000 per year. The new listings on the Pharmaceutical Benefits…

$22 million for early-stage health and medical research

The Turnbull Government will invest more than $22 million to help Australian businesses move from early-stage health and medical research discoveries to commercial success, giving patients access to better treatments and medicines. This funding, through the Biomedical Translation Bridge program, is the latest investment out of the Government’s ground-breaking $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund.…

Extra support for young Australians with kidney disease

The Turnbull Government will support young people with advanced kidney disease, who have received a kidney transplant, to transition into adult healthcare under a new program. Kidney Health Australia will receive $800,000 to establish a social and educational support program for the 500 young people aged 15 to 24 with advanced kidney disease who have…

New eye screening program to protect people with diabetes

The Turnbull Government will provide funding for a new eye health screening program for Australians with diabetes, helping preserve the sight of thousands of people. During National Diabetes Week I am pleased to announce that Diabetes Australia will receive $1 million to develop the Preserve Sight program, which will include a national electronic eye health…

Aussie innovators to drive better health outcomes

The Turnbull Government will further strengthen links between the United States and Australia to collaborate on medical breakthroughs and research and development in healthcare, with the creation of four strategic committees. The four committees, made up of renowned Australians with extensive experience from sectors such as research, technology, innovation and healthcare, will support the Australian…

Doorstop – LaTrobe

E&OE… Topics: $4.8 million for mental health services in North West Tasmania; Bill Shorten’s cancelled business lunch in Devonport; Coastal Pathways project; an AFL team for Tasmania BRETT WHITELEY: Well it’s terrific to be in Latrobe and it’s terrific to have Minister Greg Hunt with me here at the Psychological CAFFE and with Tracey, and…