Transcript – ABC 774 ‘Fight Club’ interview with Sami Shah & Brendan O’Connor

E&OE… Topics: Plebiscite; cyber security SAMI SHAH: We are joined today by in one corner, Greg Hunt, Liberal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Federal Member for Flinders. Thank you for joining us Greg. GREG HUNT: And good afternoon Sami, we are in fact about a metre from each other in a tiny little ABC…

Interview with Ticky Fullerton – ABC The Business – ABC News 24

E&OE… Topics: National Innovation and Science Agenda, Climate Change Authority, Arrium, CSIRO, ARENA TICKY FULLERTON: The new Minister for Innovation and Science is Greg Hunt and he joins me now from Melbourne. Minister, welcome there. GREG HUNT: Hey Ticky, great to be here. TICKY FULLERTON: Can I just go to the news of the day…

Sky News interview with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE… Topics: Same-sex marriage plebiscite, Ausgrid, superannuation, innovation portfolio, 45th Parliament PATRICIA KARVELAS: Greg Hunt, welcome to the program. GREG HUNT: Pleasure. PATRICIA KARVELAS: Why did the Prime Minister raise expectations that the same-sex marriage plebiscite would happen this year? GREG HUNT: Look, his goal and our goal has always been to do this as…

ABC AM Interview with Michael Brissenden

E&OE… Topics: CSIRO MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Minister, good morning. GREG HUNT: And good morning. MICHAEL BRISSENDEN: Why have you, as a Government, changed your mind on this? GREG HUNT: Well, climate science is important, it's significant, it's critical to our long term planning. It's something that both the Prime Minister and I have clear and strong…

Sky News AM Agenda interview with Kieran Gilbert

E&OE… Topics: National Innovation and Science Agenda, United States election, Kevin Rudd KIERAN GILBERT: I'm here with the new Industry, Innovation, and Science Minister. Greg Hunt, thanks for your time. GREG HUNT: Thanks very much Kieran. They do political pageantry with incredible style in America. KIERAN GILBERT: We complain about long elections – they’ve been…