Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   22 January 2022   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: Rapid antigen tests, National Eating Disorder Research Centre, COVID-19 Vaccines   GREG HUNT:          Welcome everybody. I’m joined today by Christine Morgan, the head of the National Mental Health Commission,…

Transcript – Interview – Angela Bishop & Trent MacManus, Studio 10

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   20 January 2022             STUDI0 10 WITH ANGELA BISHOP AND TRISTAN MACMANUS     E&OE…                       Topics: Anti-viral COVID-19 treatments, Australia’s Health System, Rapid Antigen Tests.   TRISTAN MACMANUS:    Now, yesterday, 75 people died of COVID-19 nationwide. That is the…

Transcript – Interview – David Lipson, ABC AM

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   20 January 2022             ABC AM WITH DAVID LIPSON     E&OE…                       Topics: Kids vaccinations, anti-viral COVID-19 treatments.   DAVID LIPSON: The Federal Health Minister is Greg Hunt and he joins me on the line. Greg Hunt, thanks for your…

Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   18 January 2022   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: Private Hospitals Agreement; National Medical Stockpile; provision of PPE; Omicron variant; vaccination rates.   GREG HUNT: Welcome, everybody. I’m joined this afternoon by the Chief Medical Officer of Australia, Professor…

Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   16 January 2022   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: Omicron Primary Care and Medical Support Package, COVID-19 update, Tonga eruption             GREG HUNT:          And I’m pleased to be able to bring you the update in regards to vaccination…

Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   15 January 2022   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE…                       Topics: $10 million boost to increase participation in cancer screenings, Booster shots, Australian COVID-19 cases, vaccination levels.   GREG HUNT: Good morning everybody. I’m pleased to be joined today by Professor…

Transcript – Press Conference – Canberra

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   9 January 2022   PRESS CONFERENCE CANBERRA   E&OE… Topics: Omicron, COVID-19 vaccines; MRFF Rare Cancers funding              GREG HUNT: Well, good morning everybody. I’m joined today by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd. And there are some important…

Transcript – Interview – Mark Levy, 2GB

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   6 January 2022   INTERVIEW WITH MARK LEVY 2GB   E&OE…                       Topics: Novak Djokovic; Rapid Antigen Testing; COVID-19 Boosters.   MARK LEVY: Let’s get you some more details on what’s transpired in the last few hours at Melbourne Airport, with…