PBS listings to save melanoma and multiple sclerosis patients up to $128,900 a year

Australians suffering from melanoma and multiple sclerosis will soon have new treatment options, with new and amended PBS listings on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) coming into effect on 1 November.   The Morrison Government will expand the current PBS listings of Tafinlar® (dabrafenib) and Mekinist® (trametinib) to include subsidy for post-surgery treatment for patients…

No room for complacency about polio

On 24 October, we mark World Polio Awareness Day, a reminder that polio is a devastating disease which could easily return if we are not vigilant.   Every Australian needs to understand how important it is to prevent a re-emergence of this debilitating disease.   Thanks to decades of diligent vaccination programs against polio, there…

Life-changing medicines listings to save cystic fibrosis patients up to $250,000 a year

The Morrison Government will provide immediate access to life-changing medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) to help support people with cystic fibrosis, saving them and their families up to $250,000 per year. From 1 December 2019, the life-changing cystic fibrosis medicine Symdeko® will be listed on the PBS for patients with cystic fibrosis over…