Better maternity services for Australian women

Following extensive work by medical experts and industry stakeholders, the Turnbull Government has released new national medical guidelines for the care of pregnant women, while also detailing a new approach to maternity services.   The Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pregnancy Care provides evidence-based recommendations, reflecting the latest scientific evidence, for all health professionals caring for pregnant…

$50,000 Grants Available to Environment Groups in Flinders

Our local community, landcare, environment and other natural resource management groups can now apply for funding to help restore our local environment in Flinders, under the Coalition Government’s $5 million Environment Small Grants opportunity. The Government is providing the grants under Phase 2 of its National Landcare Program, to help communities deliver natural resource management…

Daniel Andrews continues to short change the Mornington Peninsula

Funding information from the National Health Funding Body Administrator (NHFBA) has shown that Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has slowed investment into healthcare on the Mornington Peninsula to a crawl. Information from the NHFBA shows that Victorian funding to Peninsula Health only increased by 14.1% between 2013-14 and 2016-17. Meanwhile, Commonwealth funding over the same period…