Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: Government strengthens support for melanoma patients, coronavirus situation update.   GREG HUNT: Thank you everybody for joining us here at Frankston Hospital. It’s a hospital I know very well. Not only have many members of my family been treated here, but my mother was a nurse here, my parents met here and…

Today Show interview with Allison Langdon and Karl Stefanovic

E&OE…                       Topics: Coronavirus threat, travel bans   ALLISON LANGDON: With Australia recording its first fatality from coronavirus and more cases confirmed every day, the threat of an outbreak appears more imminent than ever.   KARL STEFANOVIC: So what is Australia doing to prepare? For more, we’re joined by Health Minister Greg Hunt. Minister, good…

Western Australian COVID-19 case

It is with great sadness that the Australian Government notes the death of a 78-year-old man in Western Australia with COVID-19 infection.   Our condolences go to his family and friends at this difficult time.   The man was one of the Australian citizens from the Diamond Princess whom the Australian Government assisted to depart…

Press Conference – Melbourne

GREG HUNT: Thank you everybody for joining us, I’m joined by Professor Brendan Murphy, the Chief Medical Officer of Australia this afternoon. Under the Prime Minister’s leadership, the National Security Council has met and made decisions to lift the travel advisories for Iran and to impose certain restrictions as a consequence of the spread of…

Transcript – Press Conference – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: COAG Health Council; Coronavirus update; More contraceptive choice for Australian women.   NATASHA FYLES: Natasha Fyles, Northern Territory Health Minister and chair of COAG.   We’ve had a very cognitive and constructive meeting this morning. The key agenda items have of course been the coronavirus and the Federal Minister and (inaudible) an…

More contraceptive choice for Australian women

Australian women will soon have access to a new form of contraceptive with the Morrison Government a new listing on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).   On March 1, Kyleena® (levonorgestrel), a long-acting reversible hormone-releasing intrauterine system (IUS) contraceptive, will be listed on the PBS for the first time, giving Australian women more choice.  …

Greater support for Australians with an intellectual disability

Australians with an intellectual disability will soon receive greater support, thanks to a Morrison Government $6.5 million investment in the Primary Care Enhancement Program.   The funding (GST exclusive) will be provided over four financial years (2020-21 to 2023-24) under the Primary Health Networks (PHN) Program, for development of the Primary Care Enhancement Program (PCEP).…