Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: $100 million investment in new PBS listings to fight cancer   GREG HUNT: Thanks very much to Professor Ricky Johnstone, to the amazing clinicians here at Peter Mac and the VCCC.   To our patients – patients such as Ben and Christine and Denise and all the other patients who have inspiring…

Support for ending and managing HIV

The Liberal National Government is strengthening its commitment to ending HIV with the announcement of funding for a new strategy that aims to virtually eliminate the transmission of HIV, the approval of the first HIV self-testing kit and the listing of a new medicine on the PBS.   The first HIV self-testing kit, the Atomo…

Doorstop – Melbourne

E&OE…                       Topics: $100 million to support type 1 diabetes patients, drinking water, Victoria state election.   GREG HUNT: I’m delighted to be here at Frances Perry House today with Wes Carter, Dr Alison Nankervis, Greg Johnson from Diabetes Australia, the leaders of so many of our paediatric and other diabetic groups, and of course…

Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health terms of reference

The Coalition Government has today released the terms of reference for the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into mental health and announced the appointment of an Associate Commissioner for the inquiry. The inquiry will consider how mental illness can affect all aspects of a person’s quality of life including physical health, social participation, education, employment and financial…