Funding support for world leading cancer research

The Liberal National Government will invest  in world leading cancer research that will focus on more accurate diagnosis, more effective treatments and improved survivorship of a broad range of cancers.   Our Government, through Cancer Australia, will invest $7.1 million in research grants, with an additional $4.7 million contributed by funding partners Cancer Council Australia,…

Sky News interview with Tom Connell

E&OE…                       Topics: $110 million support for young Australians with severe mental illness; CAR-T Therapy; health insurance costs; sugar tax   TOM CONNELL: Let’s go to our next interview of the day though, Health Minister Greg Hunt has been good enough to join us in Brisbane where, well, plenty of announcements lately, Minister, but let’s…

6PR interview with Jane Marwick

E&OE…                       Topics: $185 million for dementia and ageing medical research; CAR-T Therapy; private healthcare premiums; pill testing at festivals   JANE MARWICK: So a couple of big announcements from the federal Health Minister who joins me now. He is Greg Hunt. Minister, good morning, welcome to the program.   GREG HUNT: And good morning…

Doorstop – Brisbane

E&OE…                       Topics: $185 million for dementia and ageing medical research   PANKAJ SAH: So I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Jagara and the (inaudible) people – the Traditional Owners of this land.   I went to a meeting today. It gives me great pleasure to welcome the Honourable Greg Hunt, Minister for Health;…

Doorstop – Brisbane

E&OE…                       Topics: Boosting support for older Australians with a $550 million aged care package   GREG HUNT: Thanks very much to Luke and to Paul and the invitation to be here in Petrie and in BallyCara, in particular.   Luke, I have to acknowledge is, exactly as Carrie-Anne said,  one of the hardest working…