Doorstop – Darwin

E&OE…                       Topics: Coronavirus outbreak; Howard Springs facility;   NATASHA FYLES: Greg Hunt, the Federal Health Minister, of course; Brendan Murphy, our Chief Medical Officer, and Di Stevens who is the Acting Chief Health Officer (inaudible).   I’ll hand to Minister Hunt to make (inaudible) comments and then to Brendan, and then also to myself…

$5.5 million for international research collaboration in human health

The Morrison Government is investing $5.5 million in ten ground-breaking medical research projects aimed at improving outcomes in mental health, dementia, aged care, cerebral palsy, diabetes and many more life-changing conditions.   The Government’s funding contribution is part of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s commitment to international collaboration, and supports research grants awarded…

Press Conference – Parliament House – Canberra

E&OE…                       Topics: Coronavirus update.   GREG HUNT: Good afternoon, everyone.   I’m joined by Professor Paul Kelly, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, who is also a leading Australian epidemiologist.   So a specialist in contagious diseases. I want to begin by updating the figures on both the global and the Australian confirmed cases of…

Press Conference – Parliament House – Canberra

E&OE…                       Topics: Novel coronavirus, 58,000 type 1 diabetics to have free access to new glucose monitoring device; Sports Grants.   GREG HUNT: Good morning everybody, and thank you for joining us. I’m joined by Commissioner Mike Outram the head of Border Force and Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy to provide an update on…

Update on Novel Coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.   Minister for Health, Greg Hunt said “The WHO has advised that all countries should be prepared for containment, including active surveillance, early detection, isolation and case management, contact tracing and prevention of onward spread of…