Transcript – Press Conference – Melbourne

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   14 November 2021   PRESS CONFERENCE MELBOURNE   E&OE…                       Topics: New cancer treatment; COVID-19 booster shots; vaccination rates.   GREG HUNT: Good Morning everyone. I’m joined today by Kirsten Pilatti, the CEO of the Breast Cancer Network of Australia, and…

Transcript – Interview – David Speers, ABC Insiders

The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care   TRANSCRIPT   14 November 2021   INTERVIEW WITH DAVID SPEERS ABC INSIDERS   E&OE…                       Topics: COVID-19 vaccine boosters, Australian state borders, Climate change                       DAVID SPEERS: Greg Hunt, welcome to the program.   GREG HUNT: Good morning, David.   DAVID SPEERS: So…