Doorstop Cairns

E&OE…. Topics: Yellow Crazy Ants, Great Barrier Reef Water Quality, Carmichael Mine QUESTION: Minister we're now at the seven week mark since the Carmichael Mine approval was set aside. You indicated that re-approval might take six to eight weeks, so are you still working towards that timeline? GREG HUNT: We're working within that timeframe. Whether…

Improving water quality in the Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s iconic and precious Great Barrier Reef and the surrounding tropical waters will benefit from 24 innovative research projects conducted by this Government’s Tropical Water Quality Hub. This scientific investment being launched today supports practical policy and programmes to improve the Great Barrier Reef under the Government’s $140 million Reef Trust. Hub scientists will develop…

Cleaning up our Great Barrier Reef ahead of the wet season

The Australian Government through its $140 million Reef Trust has provided $700,000 to clean-up marine debris across the Great Barrier Reef, protecting iconic species and helping to conserve the Reef’s outstanding universal value. Marine debris can harm marine life, pose a navigational hazard and smother coral. It can enter through waterways and drains and eventually…

$2.5m for cane farmers in the Burdekin to reduce runoff

Up to $2.5 million is being made available under the $140 million Reef Trust to improve water quality in the Burdekin natural resource management region. This competitive tender will provide financial support to sugar cane farmers in the Burdekin to improve their nutrient and water management practices across their farms. The Australian Government applauds the…

$39 million for local councils in the Flinders electorate

Local governments in Flinders are set to benefit from $39 million in funding under the Australian Government’s Financial Assistance Grant Program in 2015-16. The Australian Government is providing $2.3 billion to local governments nationwide in 2015-16. This includes $1.1 billion in Financial Assistance Grants already paid to councils to ensure immediate access to untied funding…