Labor’s Carbon Tax Minister returns

Labor’s carbon tax Minister Greg Combet has returned to help bring back the carbon tax, according to media reports today. Greg Combet has reportedly been hired by Labor’s national secretariat to help Bill Shorten develop plans to once again hike electricity and gas prices for Australia’s families, pensioners and businesses. And who better to bring…

$10 million to support Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Values

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON MATTHEW GROOM MP, TASMANIAN MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT The Commonwealth and Tasmanian Governments are delivering improved outcomes for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area with $10.2 million for the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and rehabilitation of the World Heritage values of the property. The funding will be provided by the…

$1 million to restore Bondi Pavilion

JOINT MEDIA RELEASE WITH HON MALCOLM TURNBULL MP, FEDERAL MEMBER FOR WENTWORTH, MINISTER FOR COMMUNICATIONS The historic Bondi Pavilion on Bondi Beach will receive $1 million under the Australian Government's Protecting National Historic Sites programme. Environment Minister, Greg Hunt and Communications Minister and Local MP, Malcolm Turnbull congratulated Waverley Council, who will use the $1…